Using Remote Connection Tools to Connect to Cloud Servers
Using Xshell to Connect:
Download and open Xshell from the official website.
You can create Telnet, Rlogin and SSH protocol sessions.
Once you have created a Telnet, Rlogin or SSH session, you can connect to the remote host. If there is no session created, see Creating a session first.
For the public key authentication, select a user key from the list and type in the passphrase in the Passphrase box and click OK.
The operation of other tools (such as PuTTY for Windows, Terminal for macOS, and OpenSSH for Linux) is similar. Users need to enter the IP address, username, and password, or use key-based authentication.
Using SSH to Connect:
Open the Terminal application.
ssh username@server_ip_address Replace username with your server username and server_ip_address with the server's IP address.
ssh -i /path/to/private_key username@server_ip_address
Ensure accuracy when entering the password or private key file path.
You may be prompted to confirm adding the server's key to the known hosts list on the first connection. Enter "yes" and press Enter.
If the connection is successful, you will see a command prompt indicating that you have successfully logged in to the cloud server.
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